Software Solutions for Alternative Asset Managers

Delivering solutions that help alternative asset managers improve accuracy, increase efficiency, and reduce risk.

Private Equity and Hedge Fund Solutions


Expense Allocation

Ex­cel-based ex­pense al­lo­ca­tion is er­ror-prone and time-con­sum­ing. Al­lo­cate ex­penses in­stantly with EAS to im­prove ac­cu­racy, in­crease ef­fi­ciency, and en­sure com­pli­ance.

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Payment Management

Pro­cess­ing pay­ments across sev­eral bank por­tals is frag­mented and dis­jointed. Cen­tral­ize pay­ments with CashWire to en­hance se­cu­rity, re­duce cost, and in­crease ef­fi­ciency.

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Collateral Management

Man­ual col­lat­eral man­age­ment is in­ef­fi­cient and opaque. Au­to­mate col­lat­eral man­age­ment with CAARS and re­duce col­lat­eral pro­cess­ing time by up to 87%.

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Get Started

Looking to improve efficiency and ensure compliance? Get started with a demo today.

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Hedge Fund & Private Equity Clients


Trillion AUM Supported


Years in Business

Why IntegriDATA?

We Put Clients First

Your suc­cess is our top pri­or­ity. We pro­vide the best sup­port in the in­dus­try with a help desk of sub­ject mat­ter ex­perts based out of NYC.

Flexible Solutions

We know one size does­n’t fit all and con­fig­ure our so­lu­tions to meet your ex­act needs. From im­ple­men­ta­tion to in­te­gra­tion, we get it right the first time.

Industry Experience

We were con­sul­tants be­fore we were soft­ware de­vel­op­ers and op­er­a­tions man­agers be­fore we were con­sul­tants. We un­der­stand your chal­lenges and will guide you to the best so­lu­tion.

“We like working with IntegriDATA, [they] get it right the first time”

CFO, Top 200 Hedge Fund

“CashWire is the best technology purchase we’ve ever made”

CIO, Top 50 Hedge Fund


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